Fighting includes PK, join the fighting and watch the fighting.
Player could PK with anybody. The fighting one can be other player or NPC! If player's PK button isn't closed, other players can PK with you anytime. When player walk and find a cloud of smoke, that is players who are fighting. You can choose to watch the fighting or join the fighting. If you don't want to watch the fighting, please click the icon on your right and down side.

Choose the team you want to fight with!
Understand the fighting attribute won't fail
This game classified players and NPC for four attributes, includes ground, water, fire and wind. Each attribute has its strongest and weakest one toward different attributes. Player can make friend with these four attribute players. Then your team has higher possibility to win. Player can set up your attribute when you create your character:

Ground attribute

This is the ground skill original from Gnome in atmosphere. Higher defense power is the advantage of Ground attribute. Ground attribute can beat water but has little attacking power with wind attribute.

Water attribute

The water skill original from the power of Undine in atmosphere. Assistant attacking is the advantage of water attribute. Water attribute can beat fire attribute, but has little attacking power with ground attribute.

Fire attribute

This is the fire skill original from Salamando in atmosphere.Powerful attacking skill is the advantage of fire attribute. Fire attribute can beat wind attribute, but has little attacking power with water attribute.

Wind attribute

This is the wind skill original from Sylphid in atmosphere.Higher senility is the advantage of wind attribute. Wind attribute can beat ground attribute, but has little attacking power with fire attribute.

The basic rule of fighting
Player has 20seconds to prepare for each fighting. Player can choose the attacking enemy and methods with your pet. Player can click the right side of mouse to cancel the decision; otherwise you will begin fight until the fight over or someone escapes.
If the enemy is too strong, player will be sent to the rebirth place, that is your recorded place last time. Then the pet fight with you will become rest status.
When using the attacking skill each time, skill familiarity will go up when you hit the enemy. When the familiarity degree becomes 100 percent, player can upgrade to higher level. Please remember to use special skill more often!
When player lose the fighting, the Ex value will be deducted. Also the pet that joins the fight with you will lower the loyalty degree. If the pet's loyalty degree become to low, then your pet will run away! So please take care in each battle.

Game story
Create a role
Game function